Un grand bonjour en Autriche !
Du détail, une bonne exposition et composition font de cette photo une réussite,
Et les jeunes pousses de ces branche qui "marbre" et rythme ce cadrage sont une très bonne idée,
J'adore !! l
24 Aug 2010 6:25am
@Wolfen: Cordial Grâce à pour ce commentaire magnifique!
Man you are very good at this stuff! Jays are so secretive and nervous of people that to get a lovely shot like this takes great patience and skill!
24 Aug 2010 8:11am
@CElliottUK: Thank you! The most important one which one needs is always the luck! An advantage is of course the Digiskopie because the jay about 15 metres remove was. Kind regards from Sonja
Stunning photo Sonja! Love the composition and the earth tones in this portrait, it draws the attention to the Jay really perfect!
24 Aug 2010 12:08pm
@Monique: For 14 days I lie with my broken foot in the bed - has rummaged only in my archive. I have not liked this jay first and I have tried to work on the photo. Nice that you like it.
Ich frage mich, Sonja, hast du so viel Geduld die Vögel so schön zu fotografieren? Jedes Bild von dir ist perfekt!
24 Aug 2010 12:54pm
@❀ Yvonne Simons ❀: Herzlichen Dank, Yvonne ! Ich bin kein wirklich geduldiger Mensch, aber ich bin glücklich, daß ich dieses Hobby gefunden habe und in aminus3 so viele aufmunternde und lobende Kommentare bekomme !
As Daniel said, that is now how our jays look. Something about the body shape seems different. Maybe he is the one who took a bite out of the butterfly from yesterday. ;-)
24 Aug 2010 1:38pm
@B. Thomas: Yes, this is the European Yay - he looks a little different to yours. Whether has he really bitten off from the butterfly - who knows?
impressively clear. It's a clean shot that attract the viewer's eyes.
24 Aug 2010 5:51pm
Beautiful...!!! I like that reflection from the eye!
24 Aug 2010 7:47pm
Think the pose of the head in this image is very unusual, but most of it the result of the angle in which you took the shot. When I see this species around here it makes a more ellegant and ellongated impression. The detail in the blue feathers is great and for me the most beautiful part of the bird! But... I've got the impression you did too much efford in postprocession the head-section resulting in a very hard and unnaturally sharp line above the eye with the whitish background there. Some branches are "unusual" "cut off" behind the bird too :D Overall this is a very nice image,Sonja, and I think there is nothing wrong with "working" on an photo, but I just don't like to actually see there has been done some cloning etc. in the restulting image. I know... a bit of a hard comment, but i'm used to your very high standard images :-) Warm greetz, Sonja.
24 Aug 2010 10:03pm
@Johan Dierckx: Hallo, Johan ! Danke für deine Kritk ! Wie du vielleicht schon bei Monique gelesen hast, habe ich dieses Foto neu bearbeitet und wie du schon sagst, wahrscheinlich zuviel gemacht. Das Foto war ursprünglich sehr düster und ich habe es mit der Tonwertkorrektur zu viel aufgehellt. Was du mit den abgeschnittenen Ästen meinst, habe ich leider nicht verstanden. Ich bin so froh, daß es Menschen wie dich gibt, die gute Tipps geben. Für eine konstruktive Kritik bin ich immer offen - noch einmal DANKE
The distance is your tool, with the digiscope, but your eye is terrific!
25 Aug 2010 12:22am
Interesting posture. Do they always look like this? I hope you are feeling better!
25 Aug 2010 1:59am
Beautiful bird, with the blue feathers...Great composition!
25 Aug 2010 9:57am
she is a proud one, yes? these pictures are such a joy for me this evening. well done!!
30 Aug 2010 12:36am
Panasonic DMC-G1
1/200 second
ISO 200
22 mm